Hello all and welcome back… Again!! 🙂
It was nice seeing so many of you the day we opened 12th April, and we are truly grateful to you all supporting your local businesses. We have been busy and hopefully, will continue to be as busy in the future.
Our most popular treatments have been massages and waxing! As expected, of course.
Bodies grow hair naturally, and if choose to remove it, we’re here for you anytime. Just book in soon to ensure you can get an appointment.
Book now!In the meantime, whilst you wait to secure an appointment, please make sure you prepare you body so you can experience full benefits of your treatments.
Preparing for your waxing Treatment
Waxing removes the hair by the follicle — aka pulls your body hair out by the root — giving germs an invitation to the opened hair follicles. In many cases, waxing also removes the top layer of dry, dead skin cells, making the skin more smooth — but also more vulnerable to irritation. This may sound scary, but do not fret. You will be in the hands of trained professionals who know exactly what they’re doing.
In order to minimise any risks, below are a few things you can do to have the longest hair-free period! Proper skin prep and aftercare combined with good waxing practices are essential for avoiding issues that could derail the smooth skin you’re after.
Exfoliate skin:
The best way to prep your skin, is by removing any build-up of dead skin cells prior to your treatment, at least 24-48 hours before. Any later, you may still be sensitive from exfoliating and this can be further aggregated by waxing. Gently exfoliate with a mild scrub, brush, mitt, or loofah to remove dead skin cells that surround the hair follicles.
Exfoliating helps loosen existing ingrown hairs and improves your waxing results.
Clean and Dry Skin:
Ensure your skin is clean and dried thoroughly before your waxing appointment. Any dirt remaining can be trapped into the pores opened from waxing and become papules, pustules or blackheads.
Your skin also needs to remain dry as wax doesn’t adhere to wet skin. This means no gym before your appointment, or anything that may allow moisture to stay on your skin. Your skin will be cleansed before your treatment, and dried with talcum powder just to make sure.
The Length of your Hair:
Although your hair needs to be at least a quarter-inch to be waxed, hair that’s too long can make waxing more complicated and painful. Trim hair using a clean personal grooming tool, such as an electronic trimmer or safety scissors.
The Rest? I hear you ask – We’ll take care of that. Once you’ve finished with your appointment, you’ll be emailed with an aftercare form as part of your consultation, to the email you supply during your consultation.
Hope to see you soon, bye again!!